Take the first steps to
securing your successful future
My mentorship will give you the edge and motivation to overcome any obstacles you may face
Featured In
Return to Centre: A 30-Day Commitment to Your Self
Once a day for 30 days, each video will suggest a simple, daily self-care action step, that will support you to get the best from your day and yourself.
Cracking Crypto
This course provides a step-by-step guide to fundamentals of blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Learn how to secure your financial future by supporting various crypto-based projects.
Working Mother's Mentor
Working mother’s of all people need self-care. The book is the best guide out there to help working mother’s to indulge in self care activities. Self-care has started to become much more common-place today – and for a good reason.
About Maggie
Maggie Webber - also widely known as “The Working Mother’s
Mentor” - is a passionate Professional Speaker, Amazon 3 x Best-Selling
Author, and an Australian-based global Small Business Coach and
Over 35 years ago Maggie launched her own marketing and management
consultancy, through which she has worked closely with both corporations
and individuals. She provides her clients with tools to enhance their
productivity, effectively manage stress levels, and attain optimal work/life
integration. Today her prime specialty is working with entrepreneurs,
start-ups and “corporate athletes”, especially those in the Web.3 and
Digital Asset space.